“Know the Marks of Cults” Part 1

    “Know the Marks of Cults” by Dave Breese, (copyright 1975, SP Publications, ISBN 0-88207-704-x) Recently, I found this book online. The author was a speaker and evangelist who passed away in 2002. More can be found about him here… http://christiandestiny.org/publications/newsletter/2002-07/thinking-together.shtml .  From what I can tell, he traveled extensively and had a heart to help people.

    As I began this book, I noted several things that are worth mentioning here. The author writes about his belief that it is a hunger to go “beyond” Christianity that leads people into side paths or error. He likens true Christianity to a mountain top; from there all other revelation leads downward. He warns against the “new” that leads to things untrue. His reference is “traditional” Christianity. Let’s remember he wrote this BEFORE Jim Jones took over 900 people to their death at Jonestown in 1978. This was written during a decade that saw many “new” trends in our culture and our religion. Not all the things coming out of the 70’s were good.

     Breese writes “We must also note that the same characteristics of religions that are out-and-out cults have beginning tendencies within the true Church of Christ.” (page 11) His hope was that in pointing these things out, he could alert people to their cultic nature and thus “prevent future spiritual tragedy.” (page 11) He goes on in the introduction, “The absence of doctrinal correction produces spiritual ruin. How many disillusioned Christians have stood amid the broken pieces of their shattered lives and said, “If only I had known. Why did someone not warn me in time?” (page 12) After reading these words, there was no doubt for me that though this book was written 35 years ago, it will have some keys for those wanting to avoid cults and folks like me who have traveled through a cult experience.


      The author relates his definition of “cult” from his perspective within Christianity and his work of teaching and preaching Scripture. “A cult is religious perversion. It is a belief or practice in the world of religion which calls for devotion to a religious view or leader centered in false doctrine. It is an organized heresy.” (page 14) This definition works well when weighed against my experience at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) which is led by Jane Whaley. WOFF is centered on Jane – her beliefs and desires. My experience was that the members live totally devoted to her and move on her every word.

    Breese goes on in his definition of a cult; “A cult may take many forms but it is basically a religious movement which distorts or warps orthodox faith to the point where truth becomes perverted into a lie.” (page 14) As I read this I realized that what I experienced at WOFF was not new. It was only new to me. Jane Whaley’s perversion of orthodox Christianity is not new. It only has taken a form directed by her, but the perversion of true faith is not a new tactic. The aim of WOFF centers around Jane and that fits the definition. Also, I would point out that “cults” or “mind control cults” do not have to center around religion. It has been mentioned here before, that mind control cult groups can be around cult leaders in business or meditation groups or other areas. This blog mainly centers on my experience in a religious cult.   

    Breese goes on to answer the question, “Why Do Cults Prosper?”. He lists four reasons: Love of Darkness, Spiritual Immaturity, Spiritual Subversion and Intellectual Pride. In my opinion, spiritual immaturity does play a role in WOFF being able to lead so many into their doctrines and way of life. That coupled with the promises of “holy righteous living”; combine for a package of promises desirable by many. It is how to obtain the “holiness” that causes some to doubt or fall way from WOFF-life. From the practices found at WOFF, the “holiness” they teach comes from keeping the rules, not is following the leading of the Lord. The keeping of the rules sets the foundation for the last reason listed- Intellectual Pride. I found that for many at WOFF, myself included,  being able to keep the rules led to a sense of pride in knowing how to “please the Lord”; when in reality it was learning how to please Jane. Did other members see this or am I off base here?

    We will continue with more insights from this book in future posts. Comments are welcome.

    Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 155.

3 thoughts on ““Know the Marks of Cults” Part 1”

  1. Yes, I remember feeling a fear of authority (Jane or the one she designated to deal with someone) much more than the fear of the LORD. Now, I know the difference and I just want to serve and please GOD, my Father!!!

  2. The author Dave Breeze gets right to the core definition of a cult. Although it was written in the 70s and prior to Jim Jones his definition is timeless. In all my research about cults one tenet runs through each one without fail…..truth is perverted.

    I would say to the author of this blog, a former cult member, don’t beat up on yourself for not listening to the warnings. The leader knew ways to harden hearts and cause deaf ears…..all in the name of a false God created to aid in control of her lucrative cult.

  3. Yes, it got to “pleasing Jane,” not God. This was a tenet and as always that was a final threat, “we will go to Jane.” Yes, we cannot beat ourselves up for not listening to the warnings. I heard the warnings for long time, but stayed in for specific reasons, until I could leave. My family learned many things while there and we made sure we heard God for ourselves and not lean on Jane. It was still a hard transition upon leaving; the loss of community and friends. But, God was faithful and spoke to us through the change and we had wonderful people who would listen to us talk without condemnation. My family is blessed and doing well now. We wish we could get friends out. That is the real regret, is leaving those behind.

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