“Know the Marks of Cults” Part 6

     We will continue with a few more comparisons and observations from the book:  “Know the Marks of Cults” by Dave Breese, (copyright 1975, SP Publications, ISBN 0-88207-704-x). We have been reviewing the insights from the author and comparing them to my experience at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) led by Jane Whaley. In the fifth post from this book we reviewed the “Doctrinal Ambiguity” as noted by the author and compared some aspects of that, to what I have known about WOFF. As a note, I will not write full length posts on the entire list all of “The 12 basic errors of false religion” that are mentioned in the subtitle of this book. Reviewing each one in depth is not for this forum. However, a brief reading would affirm that out of the twelve listed errors, I have seen and experienced all of them during my time at WOFF.   Again, let me repeat that I will not be able to cover all the good information given by the author. I encourage readers to obtain their own copy and read this book.

    Breese titled chapter 7 “The Claim of Special Discoveries”. From those who have been at WOFF, what shall we say then? Do we have space to list the “Special Discoveries” claimed by WOFF? We go from the WOFF-talk to WOFF-dress to WOFF-lifestyle to WOFF-prayer to WOFFness in general. The whole experience at WOFF was billed as “special”. Does this lead to problems and/or does it reveal the error inherent with WOFF? For sure we must ask does the “special” aura of Jane and WOFF give place to even further deceptions.


    Moving on from that, the title to chapter 8 is “Defective Christology”. In my opinion, WOFF teachings may be by the Book, but allowing for Biblical understanding and completeness of Jesus Christ to form and guide the daily lives of WOFF members does not happen. Do present or former members want to comment?

    Chapter 9 is titled, “Segmented Biblical Attention”. Breese explains the importance of considering the whole of Scripture and not singling out one note of the song, so to speak. “The special emphases of many religious groups have been helpful to Christianity. Too often, however this special emphasis becomes the critical all important point… Its (the group’s) attention to an interesting portion of Scripture has been carried to the point where it has isolated this passage of the Word of God from the corrective modifications found in other portions of the Word. Its segmented biblical attention has cut it off from the body of divine truth.” (pages 88-89) From first glance, it would not seem to a casual observer that WOFF has not left anything out! Just look at all those Scripture quotations on their website! How could this be? Yes, there are a lot of Biblical references at WOFF, however, in practice the teaching and understanding of Grace is ignored all together. Jane teaches many times from the Old Testament. She has formed a culture which functions and is dependent on the Law. She preaches a lot about the wrath and judgment of God and rarely about the mercy and grace of God through Jesus. The “corrective modifications of other portions of the Word” do not exist at WOFF.   

     Breese reveals in chapter 10 titled, “Enslaving Organizational Structure” the references in Scripture about “the freedom of the person who has become a believer in Jesus Christ”. (page 96) Honestly, while reading this chapter I struggled to find only a few passages to quote. There was so much great material. Also, I remembered how it was to live in such an organization as described in this chapter. It was all such a “game” in the sense of me deceiving myself into believing that the way things were at WOFF was God’s plan. I was a part of and fully deceived for years that WOFF was God’s way. I am so glad to know different.

    This chapter starts off with insights about the leader of a Christian group. “When the life of a Christian leader illustrates only arrogance, groundless authoritarianism, and human imposition, he (she) is representing another Christ than the One presented in Holy Scripture…. Indeed, they know that their success is directly dependent upon their ability to trap followers into a permanent entanglement.” (page 97 emphasis added) In my opinion, Jane Whaley relies entirely on “groundless authoritarianism”. What do other former members have to say? Has Jane ever displayed “arrogance”?

    We move on with other passages. “The cult is usually represented to the captured devotee as synonymous with the kingdom of God itself.” (page 101) WOFF and life at WOFF was presented as the kingdom of God and “doing God’s will” – over and over! Remember, Breese wrote this BEFORE Jane and Sam started WOFF!  

     This next statement explains why WOFF members can so easily shun former members: “The devotion Christians have for one another is in loving response to the indwelling Holy Spirit, not submission to an enslaving external organization.” (page 102) Now, I see why I could deny the desire to speak to ex-members. It was MY devotion and submission to WOFF, WOFF-life and keeping in tune with WOFFness; that gave me the motivation to keep back from former members. And thus, it is true with present WOFF members and me. They are protecting their WOFF-life by shutting out myself and others. It was not the true love of God when I did it and it is not the true love of God now. What are the better choices?

   We close with these, “The average cultist is as much a slave to his present religious involvement as he ever was to the sin of his former life.” (page 101) And “The absence of truth makes necessary the application of the bonds of fear.” (page 102 emphasis added)  From a former member, this accurately describes life at WOFF. Sad but, true; sad but, true. We will continue with more “Marks of Cults” in the next post.

   Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

    Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 161.

2 thoughts on ““Know the Marks of Cults” Part 6”

  1. I must get this book!!!! Yes I have seen arrogance. The statement that comes to me is “How you ( the church members) act reflexs on ME (Jane) in the county!!So does that mean that the church represents JANE rather than GOD? It sounds so!! Do you remember one of last “special” music practices we had? It was on a Sunday night. All the children were in the fouth building. They were being walked down to the main building for practice. Suddenly one could hear the sounds of their footsteps(of all had on hard soled dress shoes) To me it sounded like Hitler’s soldiers!!!! People were ahhing and Jane said something about GOD’S footsoldiers. But as I said to me it was strange sounding. Now I understand why Jane would like it, Considering the fear and control she so uses on WOFF members. Hugs to you!!!

  2. I am glad you are using this book. I have to get the book, too! I said this earlier that all I saw was arrogance and no grace taught at WOFF. It was all fear and you are going to hell! Right on, John!

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