Truth? After WOFF?

    There are some things that are stressed at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). One thing is the subject of “Truth”. There is supposedly a constant search for the “truth – in the matter”. Or a search for the “truth” in what just happened. Or helping someone see “truth” in what they just gave to. Let us not forget that Jane Whaley has seen to it that she gives others outside of WOFF- “truth” on different subjects or on what happens at WOFF. When you are on the inside, it is evident that the final voice of “truth” always rests with Jane Whaley. Another person in leadership could offer their take on what “truth” is or was or should have been or will be next time. But, it does not take a new member long to learn that Jane Whaley settles the matter- any matter, always, no questions asked, for sure that is it- take it to the bank.

    If you doubt what I have written taken from my time at WOFF, just ask any member “who hears God’s voice” at WOFF? Who is the person who is the final say in everything? Who sets the rules and ultimately has the final say in everything? Well? What are the possibilities you will get the “truth” about that?

    That set-up caused several things to happen while inside WOFF and it led to several things happening when my time there was over. When you are inside, it is taught either directly or sometimes indirectly that you know nothing. There is a favorite WOFF scripture to prove you know nothing. John 5:3030I am able to do nothing from Myself [independently, of My own accord–but only as I am taught by God and as I get His orders]. Even as I hear, I judge [I decide as I am bidden to decide. As the voice comes to Me, so I give a decision], and My judgment is right (just, righteous), because I do not seek or consult My own will [I have no desire to do what is pleasing to Myself, My own aim, My own purpose] but only the will and pleasure of the Father Who sent Me.


     This was Jesus being quoted. It was taught over and over, if Jesus knew nothing, then why do you think you know anything? Certainly, this position has merit- inside WOFF. For in practice only Jane Whaley knows anything. Well, Jane is the only person who can truly hear Jesus- therefore she is the only person who knows anybody, who knows anything. Why do you think you see WOFF members on the cell phone so much? They are “getting ahold of Truth” with Jane Whaley, or someone who is talking to Jane or has already talked to Jane or will talk to Jane or may see Jane later that day or may see Jane before the service that night, or will see Jane later at Jane’s house. No, it is not a written requirement to ask Jane about everything. But, it is an unwritten rule and part of the WOFF social/religious code that this is just how life flows at WOFF. Try being on your own or make choices without Jane’s input? You will be told you are just plain out-there – “out from under God’s authority”.

    So, in practice, who does that make Jane? She functions as the hub of the WOFF wheel, the only funnel of or to Truth. If I am wrong, then someone who has either lived at WOFF or is there now- tell me where this is not so. Have things changed? If so, I would be happy to post a correction.

   Can anyone reading this see a problem here? Is it legal to claim by your practice that you are the only person on the planet to hear God perfectly every time? Yes, it is legal. There is no law broken by a person saying they are the only person who can hear God’s voice. It is not illegal to say you may be the only one, but you just haven’t met any others that hear quite as clearly as you do. But is it practical or even prudent to arrange your life so that hundreds of folks depend on your every word for guidance and answers? Is it likely that just one time you could have an off day and not “hear God” clearly? Is it practical for so many others to have a natural person who must approve of what they have “heard from God”? Is it possible that if a person is the center of the wheel for so many others, that it may be possible for that person to have just a second or two of selfishness pop-up? What measures would be prudent to set in place to counter balance such massive power and control over others? If there were any, I never saw them at WOFF.

   So, in practice, WOFF members seek Jane and not counsel from other sources. Is that a healthy set-up? Does that nurture and encourage others to grow in their relationship to God or to Jane? Is there a verse in the Scriptures that require ONE person to be the sole source for counsel for anyone?

   How about this one: Proverbs 11:14– Where no wise guidance is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.

     Yes, I know. There were times when a member would be asked to come talk to Jane with other leadership in the room listening. But, really, how many times did anyone cross Jane with their counsel – and continue to come be a part of those meetings? The few times I was there, some were not even listening or just nodded to agree with what Jane said. That is not a true multitude of counselors that are asked to give their own input from what they believe is God’s counsel- is it? If it happens, it did not appear to be the norm. Decisions made by Jane were RARELY EVEN QUESTIONED- BY ANYONE. If there was a doubt, it did not often come out.

   So, after leaving a group like this; would there possibly be any struggles to make decisions – about anything or everything? I remember the feeling right after leaving WOFF. I felt like I was just “out there”. Seriously, there was a freefall on some days and bewilderment on others. It felt so serious to even make the smallest decision; needless to say the “big” ones were quite a chore. Why? It was because of the system(s) that I had been living under for so many years.

    I hesitated and waffled on many things. Can any other former WOFFers relate?  No, I did not consider calling Jane! I did not make every decision right or hear Truth on everything. In fact, I made a lot of mistakes. I still make a lot of mistakes. But, in those mistakes, my heart is set to not only to ask the question- What is truth or what is the right way? But, those questions are superseded with WHO is Truth? It was a struggle and still is a struggle, to allow all the WOFFness of the past, all the practices from WOFF-days and the teachings of many years under Jane Whaley to melt away and see what is left. I need to know what and Who is the Truth about many things, many practices, and many life-choices. Thank God for His mercy and grace.  

    In my opinion, for the Christian, that question should supersede all others when faced with a decision. Who is Truth? The answer is not Jane Whaley, or her opinions or what she thinks I should do or you should do or what should have been done or what should happen next time. The answer for the Christian, no matter where you find yourself – is Jesus and the counsel that comes from the GiftHe sent- the Holy Spirit.   

John 16:13 – But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future].

    Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog.  Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 189.

One thought on “Truth? After WOFF?”

  1. Really enjoyed this post. Basically Jane has made herself into a DEMIGOD. SHE is all knowing. She is the ONLY one that can hear the voice of GOD.(according to HER) So therefore she makes no mistakes? I think not! EVERYONE makes mistakes, if we didn’t we would not need a SAVIOUR. We would not need mercy or grace from FATHER!!! And if Jane is always correct, then why do things change? The way the children allowed to do certain things now that were not allowed a few years back. Did GOD change or have people (Jane) changed to allow her family (grandson) more freedom? You tell me. I make mistakes everyday, I am only human, but I have a loving FATHER whose GRACE AND MERCY knows no boundaries. Love and hugs and prayers my FRIEND!!!!

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