Join Us – Reflections and Comparisons (2)

   The opening three minutes of the film “Join Us” is available below. “Join Us”. The film is presented by Interloper Films along with Lusitan and was produced by Ondi Timoner and Vasco Lucas Nunes. (Copyright© Third Floor Productions, LLC 2007). Joaquin Sullivan opens the film giving a brief introduction to his background and experience in Mountain Rock Church in Anderson, SC. He makes a statement that “It is hard to tell from the outside when a church has gone too far”. That is so true. Not until a person can learn the “rules” (verbal and non-verbal) and consequences for breaking the rules; do they know if a church – more specifically the pastor and leadership in the church – have gone too far.

     What is “too far…”?  That is a topic that some would rather ignore. But, as the years have passed, I have some insight into what is “too far”. I spent 16 years under the direct and indirect influence of the teachings of Jane Whaley at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). During my time there and now that I am out, I have more understanding as to what would be “too far…”  When a pastor and/or the leadership of a church begin to control the lives of their members as shown in the film, it is a dangerous environment for anyone- adult or child.

    Joaquin Sullivan also expresses his present doubts and questions about other churches he passes and may nothing about. He shares questions that I fully understand. It is only a natural reaction after coming through an experience like his to question any other church, their beliefs, as well as the pastor/leader. He lists his questions about other churches; is the pastor telling them who can be married, how much money to give or how much of their time is required to make it to heaven?

   This clip reveals the members from Mountain Rock Church arriving at Wellspring retreat center in order to get help with understanding what they had been involved in. The lives of the folks had been affected by the pastor- Raimund Melz and his wife. These are real people, not actors. The counselors are real people, not actors. Actual counseling sessions are shown in the film with real questions and real emotions from the former cult members. Please, take time to view the clip and consider seeing the entire documentary. It will change your ideas about cults, who can be caught in one and where to get help.

   Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog.  Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 228.

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