Searching Questions for WOFF Members

  In a recent post titled, “Is it the Love of God or Jane-Love?” -link-,  I quoted from Steven Hassan’s first book, “Combatting Mind Control” (Copyright©1988, 1990 by Steven Hassan, Park Street Press, ISBN: 0-89281-311-3). I referenced a section titled, “Asking Questions: The Key to Protecting Yourself From Destructive Cults”. For that post, I only used two of the questions he suggested. Today, we will review all the questions. Following each question, I will offer my perspective after having been a member of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF).

   The front of Hassan’s book has several endorsements from which I will quote two in hopes of bringing some perspective of how well respected and admired Steven Hassan’s work has become.

   “A valuable, well written book on a topic of genuine importance. Steve Hassan explains precisely how cults operate to control minds and, in the process, he provides sharp insights into how the influence process works in everyday situations as well.”       Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D –Author ofInfluence

   “Anyone who has witnessed a loved one rapidly slips into the emotionally insulated and distant world of a cult knows the extent and swiftness of its catastrophic effects. Few people understand the mechanisms by which these devastating seductions are systematically engineered by cult leaders. Steve Hassan knows from experience. Through his examples and analyses, we finally witness how cults work and learn how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from them.”  Stephen Josephs, Ed.D. Psychologist- Founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

   Again, these questions are from the section titled, “Asking Questions: The Key to Protecting Yourself From Destructive Cults”. (pages 106-110) Hassan introduces the subject noting a very important characteristic of those in cults, “Although most groups use deception, it is important to realize that most cult members don’t realize they are lying in the process of recruitment. For that reason, by asking these direct questions one after another, you can usually discover that either you are not being told a straight story, or the cult member does not have the straight story to begin with.” (page 106)


    During my time, either directly or indirectly under the teachings of Jane Whaley, I did not realize I was not getting the full truth about the drama scenes being played out within the group or outside the group concerning former members. It was not until I left and started hearing other former members and those who live in the community tell what they saw and heard did I realize that I had been kept in the dark. So, has that changed? Is it likely or unlikely?  If Jane Whaley told the WHOLE truth about every situation or drama scene that occurred/occurs within her group or because of her group- would her ability to control others be affected? I think so. If her aura lessened in strength what would that affect in the long run? Among other things, the adulation of her members give her would lessen as well as their fervor to give into HER coffers.

  We have shared about the difference in WOFF between facts and “truth”. Jane and her leadership held back facts thinking they were telling “truth”. After all, in WOFF what do the facts matter when Jane is the source of alltruth”.  

  Hassan continues, “Because members have been trained to avoid thinking negatively about the group, you will often receive less than direct responses. Among the more common responses of cult members are vague generalities, evasive remarks, and attempts to change the subject…. Evasive remarks such as “I understand you are feeling skeptical; I was too, before I came to understand… ” (page 106-107). Who could honestly deny that during WOFF days, we were “trained to avoid thinking negatively about the group”? That training was subtle, yet VERY effective! Why? It was effective because it was pounded in to us with the FEAR of Jane’s wrath. The wrath that came if we were caught expressing something negative or even less than positive about WOFF, WOFF –life, Jane’s leadership decisions or even her every utterance. That wrath was euphemistically labeled as the love of God. Does this make sense? WOFF members have a high motivation to cast everything about WOFF in a positive light. I know I was under this fear for years.

   Let’s begin with the questions. We will state the question, give a remark or two by Hassan and then follow with comments about WOFF-life.

–          How long have you (the recruiter) been involved? Are you trying to recruit me into any type of organization?  

“A person who has been involved in a destructive cult for less than one year is usually very inexperienced. He is less likely to lie, and his lies are not as convincing as those of a more experienced recruiter.”(page 107) Well, this was true at WOFF. Jane realized that when a serious matter came up and some in the community needed “truth”, she would openly select certain ones who had been in WOFF longer and were more versed in WOFF-truth. She would instruct the rest of us to keep quiet or avoid situations where we could be asked about WOFF-life. When the newspaper printed the names of Faith Freedom Fund contributors, those names were read openly in the service and Jane instructed who could “go give them truth”. After there was an encounter, you were to report back and give an account as to how it was received.

–          Can you tell me the names of all other organizations that are affiliated with this group?

   “What you are trying to uncover here are the names of front groups.” (page 108) For the most part, Hassan is dealing with much larger groups than WOFF. But, knowing the affiliation WOFF has with Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is important as well as which politicians have been allowed to come speak at WOFF. I get asked all the time which businesses in the community are owned by WOFF members.  That list changes often, but, it is vital to know. Why? It is because wherever a WOFF member works- the fellow employees and customers are subject to being invited to WOFF events and drawn into WOFFness. When I used to work for Two Mile Properties, I invited residents of the apartments to church functions with the owner’s blessings. I know of what I speak.

–          Who is the leader? What are his (her) background and qualifications?  Does he (she) have a criminal record? 

  “You may or may not get a straight answer to these questions… He may not know anything about the leader’s background or criminal record… Remember, a destructive cult tries to get a person’s commitment first, before disclosing important information. A legitimate group will always give information first, and ask for commitment only when the person feels ready.” (page 108) Well, what can be said? I was committed to the Greenville church and did not realize that in turn committed me to WOFF. By giving trust to GS and LS, that trust was in turn transferred to Jane and Sam Whaley. That was not prudent on my part. I did not perform any research on the Greenville church or WOFF. Did any others commit the same mistake when considering joining WOFF? 

–          What does your group believe? Does it believe that the ends justify the means? Is deception allowed under certain circumstances?

   “Most cult recruiters will not explain what they believe right there on the spot…If a person is not willing to summarize the key points of the group’s beliefs right there and then, you can be sure they are hiding something… Any legitimate group will be able to summarize its central beliefs. Destructive cults will not want to do so…No legitimate organization needs to lie to people in order to help them..(page 108-109)

    One thing I would add to Hassan’s question would be to ask about the group’s practices and not just their beliefs. While at WOFF, we could explain our beliefs in a pretty conventional or traditional manner. It was the practices of WOFF that would turn heads and cause eyebrows to be raised. Who among former members did not feel queasy when explaining the blasting, loud prayer and deliverance? How did you feel when your visitor began to see how Jane exercised authority over every area of a member’s life? Don’t get me wrong, there were pat answers to give and you could always refer them to someone in leadership or even Jane. And when a visitor learned how many folks lived in communal housing- how did that go? If they needed a place to stay; it may go well, if not, then explain away! A constant question when explaining communal living- “Do you share the kitchen? And –How many bathrooms are there in the house?”  No, I am not sure how I stayed in a group that long and always felt the need to tell others about “blasting” and deliverance and communal living and all the WOFF-rules- just when they were “ready”. That is one reason I find this blog so therapeutic. If it happened at WOFF- I can tell it. Yea!  

–          What are the members expected to do once they join? Do I have to quit school or work, donate my money and property, or cut myself off from family members and friends who might oppose my membership?

  “If you are being approached by a destructive cult, the person you meet may tell you that you will be expected to do little or nothing once you join. However, this question will make most cult members very uncomfortable and defensive. Watch the recruiter’s non-verbal reaction carefully when you ask this question. Ask the person what he did when he first met the group and what he is doing now.” (page 109)

   Honestly, I must admit, if Jonathan Guy had asked this question when I first invited him to WOFF, I am not sure I could have answered. “What are the members expected to do once they join?” Simple- work, work, go to church, go to church, obey Jane, give your time and your money- right?  “Do I have to quit school or work, donate my money and property, or cut myself off from family members and friends who might oppose my membership?” Well, what shall we say then? How did that turn out for you after you had been in WOFF a few years? We should also include here – Are you required to delete your Facebook® page when you join the group?  Was anybody told to quit their job and go to work for a company owned by church members? Does WOFF expect you to tithe, give offerings and most of all, become submerged into WOFF- 24/7/365? Did anyone else cut off family members or friends who opposed or just asked questions about WOFF?  Are these great questions? My three favorites are yet to come!

–          Is your group considered to be controversial by anyone? If people are critical of the group, what are their main objections?

“This is a nice open ended question, something to probe just how much the person knows or is willing to discuss. If you ask this question politely and with a smile, you will be surprised at how many times you will hear, “Oh, some people think that we are a cult and that we are all brainwashed! Isn’t that silly? Do I look brainwashed?” To that question I will usually respond, “Oh, how are people supposed to look if they are brainwashed?” (page 109)

   This question would have knocked me for a loop when I was in WOFF! First of all, I did not have the COMPLETE list of organizations that considered WOFF controversial. It would have been hard to comprehend even one – since we were trained to deny or avoid all negative thoughts about WOFF! Okay, we were told about the Faith Freedom Fund, but, who else? To admit even one could have sent cold chills down my spine since that could subject me to a verbal love bath from Jane or GS or someone else in leadership. After all, KR got up in front of us all in WOFF and scoffed that brainwashing could even be true!  Most of us joined in the chorus of laughter- brainwashed at WOFF- how silly! The fact was denying it made it no less true. I suspect those under “mind-control” or “brainwashing” have no real discernment about the process and the results. I know I did not. That is until someone helped me see the effects of it in my their life.  In a future post, I will review the difference between brainwashing and mind-control.

   What are the main objections to WOFF? The next two questions will help answer that one. We have shared these questions before, but they are worth reviewing.

–          How do you feel about former members of your group? Have you ever sat down to speak with a former member to find out why he left the group? If not, why not? Does your group impose restrictions on communicating with former members?

“This is one of the most revealing sets of questions you can ask any cult member. Any legitimate organization would never discourage contact with former members…Destructive cults on the other hand, do not accept any reasons for a person’s departure no matter what they are. Likewise, cult groups make sure to instill fear in members, insuring that they stay away from critics and former members.” (page 109)

   When will we know that WOFF is truly changing? It will change when fear stops being used as a fence to keep members in and a hammer against former members from telling their experiences. When Jane quits using her bazooka of fear and stops verbally abusing those who express doubts or questions about her “spiritual gifts” or doctrines or WOFF-practices, then maybe changes have come. Until now, fear of Jane and her wrath has kept the fences up and the gates closed to prevent or hinder a free exit from WOFF.

–          What are three things you like least about the group and the leader? 

     This question would have short-circuited my WOFF thinking during WOFF days. Of course, on the outside, I would have said “There is nothing I don’t like.” This was an acceptable WOFF-lie. Remember, in faithful WOFF members thinking, there is no room for critical thoughts or even doubts. At least, that is what they want you to think. The front or façade is their defense against analyzing the conundrums and quandaries of WOFF-life. Pushing to the front the acceptable words and actions of a faithful WOFF member leaves a giant emptiness inside –behind the wall. For me, and I suspect for many others, the emptiness rang the loudest at night time before going to bed. WOFF-life was/is full-throttle most days, and then you read your Bible and fell asleep, most nights. But, for those few nights when sleep would not come and questions persist, sleep was short and a restless adventure at best. Several nights during, and many nights towards the end, I would push sleep away and ponder the realities of what was going on. Why was my wife treating me this way? Why was she keeping the children from me? When I was around the children for brief moments, why were they quiet or on guard? Why had all the family dinners stopped? Why did my wife send the children to other families and not tell me where they were going? I think I am awake, but, it all seems like one long unending nightmare. Who is this woman beside me in the bed? She looks like the woman I married over twenty years ago, but, she has acted like I am the enemy and not her husband. When the answers to these questions started coming, the reality was sad to say the least. 

    Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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     Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.

       Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.  Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 346.

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