“Undoing Beliefs is a Slow Process…”

     The word “cult” describes many groups, including not only certain churches, but other groups as well. Just being removed from the group does not automatically solve all the problems associated with group practices or beliefs. “Undoing beliefs is a slow process.” So says Janis Hutchinson in “Out of the Cults and Into the Church”(copyright 1994, page 51) Janis is an ex-Mormon who has taken on the task of helping others make the transition from cult groups to the Christian church. She helps “walk-aways”, who leave cults on their own. Her work does not attempt “de-programming” cult members. She was in Mormonism for 36 years before her exit. Her main work has been with ex-Mormons. While reading the first part of this book, I have been so shocked in some ways that ex-Mormons would have the same struggles as ex-WOFFers!

     While in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), I would be aware at times, of the sub-culture world that is WOFF. While at WOFF, your entire schedule consists of working around WOFF members, living with WOFF members and spending time at church- of course with WOFF members. The job I had did put me in contact with non-WOFFers, who were fellow workers. But, these folks wanted the job they had and very few ever mentioned their questions about the church and what they saw in WOFF members. The weeks, month and years at WOFF became packed with WOFF centered activities and relationships. If a WOFF member wanted to remember what they were doing on a certain day; the two qualifying questions would be: 1. What day of the week was it? and 2. What was going on at the church? (WOFF) While in the midst of that lifestyle it is easy to lose the magnitude of such an intense WOFF centered life. In many cases, the far reaching effects are not truly known until a person leaves and begins the transition into American culture.


      My exit (or graduation..) was July 2008 from WOFF. During the last 22 months, there have been a wide range of emotions.  As Janis Hutchinson describes in her book, there is a “culture shock” for many ex-cultists. She tells of others who have experienced the unexplained emotional swings and questions after exiting a cult. She states there is a “religious culture shock” and a “societal culture shock” for those leaving cults. (page40) I believe mine has not been as intense as it could have been, since I had an adult life before my entry into WOFF. For those growing-up in WOFF to adjust on the outside; the shock of leaving takes extra care and sensitivity by those around them. Again, Janis Hutchinson quotes a source, ” … about 85 percent of therapists and clergy really don’t know what happens to people in cults; therefore they can’t really help them and may even misdiagnose former cult members…” (page 20) I believe many folks who watch others emerge from cults, think that turning off certain beliefs and practices and substituting others is an easy process – like turning a light switch on and off . It is not. For some folks to make the transition can take years.

    Many friends and co-workers would describe me to others as “recently out of the box..” and give me space to adjust during the first months out of WOFF. When they would say something and my reaction was slow or non-existent; others would remind them I was “fresh out of the box”… So, giving folks room to adjust when they come out of a totalistic sub-culture (cult) is vital. Janis Hutchinson gives a time frame of three to eight years for problems associated with cult practices to be solved or worked through. Shorter time frames for those who get help. Longer periods for those that hide questions and continue to feel embarrassed at mentioning their inner struggles.

    There will be more posts from this book as I read through it. Hopefully, this will be a help to those who have left WOFF and those who have family or friends still in WOFF. Here is a link to read more about Janis Hutchinson’s work – http://www.janishutchinson.com/leaving.html 

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members.  

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) This is post number 76.

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