“Know the Marks of Cults” Part 8

      We will wrap up our series with two more comparisons from the book:  “Know the Marks of Cults” by Dave Breese, (copyright 1975, SP Publications, ISBN 0-88207-704-x). We have been reviewing the insights from the author and comparing them to my experience at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) led by Jane Whaley. In the seventh post from this book, we reviewed chapter 11 titled “Financial Exploitation”.  I encourage readers to obtain their own copy and read this book.

    Breese writes in Chapter 12 titled “Denunciation of Others”, “When one announces himself as the true Messiah, all others of course are false and must be put down.” (page 110) For certain, I have never heard Jane Whaley say she was the “Messiah”.  She did say she was “no one’s Savior”. However, we must look at her actions that I have witnessed, to verify the view she has of herself and her position. I have seen in writing and heard in person; Jane and Sam Whaley reference themselves as “Apostles”. Recently, the written titles have been “Pastors”… I am not sure what has changed. While I was there at WOFF, we were never told, that I remember.  


      Over the years, I have heard this statement made by members, “We know there must be others out there with Truth, we just haven’t found them…” Certainly, WOFF members and their leaders count themselves as having “Truth” that no one else knows.  Here is a post that confirms this. “The May Seminar We Watched TV Preachers…”  http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=266

    During another service I heard remarks made about the appearance of women in another denomination. “Jane Whaley Calls Senior High School Girls- “Homely”. http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=918

    A few questions may help clear-up any doubts about WOFF. Do they fellowship with ANY other churches besides those under the direct authority of Jane Whaley? No. Do they allow their members to be “friends” or marry outside of WOFF? No. Does Jane Whaley submit to counsel from any spiritual governing authority? No. Besides Dr. “Z” from Africa, how many outside speakers have graced the podium at WOFF that were not politicians or academic speakers? I do not remember any.

    Breese continues, “One sometimes suspects that these leaders are infected with a horrible inferiority complex, pushing them to a neurotic defensiveness.Expressing their persecution complex, they denounce all alternative views as being satanic and corrupt.” (page 110) And further, “ … the work of God is carried on by many individuals, no one of whom can claim that he (she) has a corner on the market  so far as divine revelation is concerned.” (page 113) In my opinion, from my experience, Jane Whaley has been found to do all of these things. She denounces others as satanic and claims, by her actions, to have cornered the market on divine revelation. Do any former members agree?

    Lastly, Breese writes about “syncretism”. That is “the attempt to gather together what some would call “the best qualities” of various religious points of view into a new and acceptable faith.” “Few cults of our time present much that is new in the world of religion. (page 116) To this claim, I will just offer this observation. In previous years, as I would explain WOFF, WOFF-life and live WOFFness before folks; I would invariably get the question or comment comparing WOFF to Jehovah Witnesses. What else needs be said?

    Questions and comments about this series are welcome. If I am wrong on all these points, then my experience counts for nothing. In WOFF-land, we know that cannot be, as they count on their experience to justify their positions. “No one can take away your experience.” If I am right on only a few of these points, then does that allow WOFF a free pass? I would hope not. If this series has been true and correct on all points, then we must all pray and obey what God leads to do. My hopes are for others to wake-up from their WOFF-trance and live the life of Freedom in Christ that God intended.

    Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 163.

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