What is an “Omen”?

   The question is a simple one. However, as I pondered the meaning and more importantly, the purpose of many omens, the whole concept made sense – sorta. The first definition of omen is simple: a phenomenon or occurrence regarded as a sign of future happiness or disaster. (found here: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/omen ) Why even bring it up? After recently seeing an episode of the Andy Griffith Show, the question came to me: “Do religious control groups or cults, use “omens”?

   The show was titled, “The Darling Fortune”. It originally aired 10/17/1966 and can be viewed on the CBS DVD series published from Paramount – a VIACOM company. The plot includes the Darlings coming to town to seek wives for the sons in the family. Andy is befuddled as Briscoe Darling announces their intention to seek “city girls” for his sons. While the Darlings are in town, their hopes are doused and they proceed back to Andy’s house to pick up Charlene. As they are leaving, they see an owl perched on their truck! This is where the excitement picks up. Briscoe and Charlene are immediately elated as she repeats the omen, “You see an owl at day time and the next female you see is sure enough a bride for thee.” Aunt Bee expresses her doubt and Briscoe says, “Ma’am, You don’t doubt the omen of the owl!” In order to not ruin the experience of seeing the show, I will stop here in revealing the sequence of events that take place, save one.

   Later in the show, Andy is totally frustrated and says about the Darlings: “If you could just reason with them, but people who live by omens and witchcraft and stuff like that, you just can’t get through to them.” From there, the show continues and the ending turns out satisfactory to all concerned. But that one statement by Andy stuck with me. Why? I could see myself on both sides of the life ruled by “omens”. Let me explain.

     Those who have been in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) have certainly heard these statements, beliefs or as I see now, “omens”. “If you get out from under God’s authority, you will miss the call of God.”, or “If you don’t lock-in you will be out from under God’s protection.”, and another one goes like this, If you leave God’s will this will happen to you, you will get fat, drink beer and wear short dresses.” (or die early, or get cancer or “go back to your vomit” (drugs and alcohol or ???) And still another one I heard while inside WOFF, “If you leave here, you will go back your UNCLEAN!” John, how can these be “omens”? Certainly, while in WOFF, these statements are not labeled “omens”, these are the warnings of God! While inside WOFF, these statements were meant to strike fear in the hearts of members to stop them from leaving and stop them from thinking. A faithful WOFF would never doubt (outwardly) “the omen of the owl. The comparison between the Darlings defense of the omen of the owl was NOTHING compared to the defense of faithful WOFFers to the omens used on them at WOFF! “If you could just reason with them, but people who live by omens and witchcraft and STUFF LIKE THAT, you just can’t get through to them” How do I know? I was one who defended the omens used by Jane Whaley – for YEARS! I defended them by repeating them and passing the fear behind them on to other members to keep them in the fold. I am guilty in that regard. But, who in WOFF would admit to being controlled by omens? I would have said while in there, as others would who are in there now; I am following “God”. I would not have seen myself as a “Darling”.

      Honestly, I had inward doubts as to the validity of the omens, as some members do who are there today. How do I know? For one, I am now on the outside looking in. I see the baseless, non-seneschal omens meant to engender fear of Jane Whaley in the members. Fear of crossing the prophetic utterances and control used by Jane is THE foundation of her power and control. It may take a new member a little while to see and learn, but in WOFF-land, many references to “God” are veiled references to Jane and her position of power. Forget that or deny it and see what happens to your status within the group.  

   Another source gives a further clarification to the meaning of “omen”. “Though the word “omen” is usually devoid of reference to the change’s nature, hence being possibly either “good” or “bad”, the term is more often used in a foreboding sense, as with the word “ominous”. (found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omen emphasis added)

   This goes along with Steven Hassan’s work in “Releasing the Bonds” (copyright ©2000 by Steven Hassan, ISBN: 0-9670688-0-0). In his telling of his experience in the Moonies, “Members are taught they are completely responsible for what happens to them, that there is no such thing as an accident, that everything has a spiritual cause, and that the group or leaders are almost never responsible for bad outcomes. If something bad happens, it is because the cult member did something wrong.” (page 236) Wow, as far as I know, he was never a member of WOFF! But, who would deny the same teaching and mindset applies to life inside WOFF! Remember, Hassan has studied hundreds of other cults as a basis for his work. His authority on the subject of cult traits should be respected. He goes on.  

   In the next section of Chapter 10, he lists several “Cult Phobias”. This list is extensive and is found on pages 238 to 241. I will not repeat the whole list, but will list ones on his list that I experienced or saw put on folks while in WOFF. “Cult members may be programmed that, if they disobey or leave the group, they will suffer in some of the following ways. Physical Health: -Die painfully, be murdered, or commit suicide, – Become ill and die (of cancer, AIDS, a heart attack), – Be hit by a car, (car wreck) bus or train, or die in an airplane crash, Become (or remain) overweight, – Become homosexuals, – Become prostitutes, – Develop sexual perversions, or contract sexually transmitted diseases, – Die from drugs or poison, – Have problems sleeping. Psychological health: – Go insane, -Be committed to a mental institution, – Be a failure, – Be a sexual deviant, – Become less intelligent, – Loss of memory, talents and abilities, – Lose control completely, – Never be happy, – Suffer the rest of their life. Spiritual life: Become unspiritual or unbalanced, – Lose their relationship with God, – Be attacked by supernatural entities, – Be possessed by evil spirits/demons, – Lose their chance at redemption/salvation, -Not be saved, – Burn in “the eternal lake of fire” when Jesus returns, – Find their souls rotting in hell forever. Social life: Lose the safety and security of the group, -Be unloved, – Never able to trust anyone again, -Be rejected by others, – Never find a good wife/husband, – Be rejected by family and friends, -Never speak to their children or grandchildren again, -Lose their job, -Be put in jail.”

     This is only a partial list that is given by Hassan. I must point out that several fears listed in the “Social life” section are able to be carried out upon those who leave, by members of the group. Additionally, how do these fears get put in or on the members? One way for sure is by the use of omens. The “warnings” used by cults are omens. They use fear to give control over members to the leader(s). For sure, those under the complete spell of omens are hard to reason with and help. I would not say impossible, but difficult. In “The Darling Fortune”, they explain a counter-omen to cancel the first omen. As far as I know, Jane does not believe in “counter-omens”! She just adds fear upon fear to keep her kingdom going.  

     Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog.  Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 234.

One thought on “What is an “Omen”?”

  1. Well, John, how are you? I loved this post for so many reasons!!! First I have just watched that episode of Andy and of course laughed and laughed. But this post was spot on. All the ‘witchcraft’ that is released by WOFF to former members and released at members to keep them members is unreal. As we know, witchcraft is just ” the spoken” word. Funny how WOFF turns that phrase around. When they speak out it is always the word of the Lord, anyone else says ANYTHING and it is deemed witchcraft!!!! I have not remained fat, I am not crazy. I am happy and content and I do hear from FATHER constantly. HE IS NOT MAD AT ME, HE LOVES ME!!!! I have had some health problems, but WHO released ‘spoken words” at me. YEP…. WOFF. Why is it that when certain members there get sick or have problems it is always AN ATTACK FROM THE DEVIL. and with everyone else it is the JUDGEMENT OF GOD??? Never understood that one. I wish you many blessings for this coming year. I only release good things to you. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT AND MOST OF ALL PEACE AND LOVE.

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