Tag Archives: WOFF

Memorial Service Music Concerns “the Toddlers”

      Memorial services at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) were times to bring in family members and other visitors. Jane Whaley would deliver the key address or eulogy about the person who had passed away. Family members, church members or other friends of the deceased would be allowed to come to the podium and speak about their memories of the person. Every effort was made to make the family and visitors comfortable. I never witnessed a memorial service with loud prayer, blasting, deliverance, open rebukes for WOFF members or “church-family matters” being discussed. No offerings were taken or announcements made when family or visitors were already in the sanctuary. These were times to “put your best foot forward”- so to speak.

      Before every “special” service or seminar, the church would be cleaned top to bottom. (literally) The chandeliers would be cleaned all the way down the baseboards. Air return vents would be cleaned. Years ago, before one special service, (I don’t remember which one) I was with a group of men in the sanctuary men’s bathroom with toothbrushes scrubbing the grout between the tiles in the floor. If the wall paint or trim paint was scuffed, it would be cleaned and/or painted. The carpet could get a cleaning as well as the brass door plates polished. The landscaping around the building was inspected for weeds. The school building may be subject to the same cleaning, especially if visitors would be invited to view the school after the meeting or service.   

      The memorial services were rehearsed and planned to the most minute detail. Each song was practiced and met with Jane’s direction and approval. Seating was planned as family and visitors would be in the front two or three rows of the middle section of the sanctuary. Many times, during a memorial service there would be portraits of the person who had passed, placed in the front of the sanctuary with a few tasteful flower arrangements . There would also be a pictorial presentation of that person’s past shown on a large screen up front. Music would accompany the slide show, at times. There was a bulletin with the order of service printed. This was only done for special services such as educational conferences, graduations, weddings and memorial services. Weekly services had no printed program or order of service. The weekly services were always subject to change according to Jane Whaley’s  directions.  

     Following the memorial service, the family, friends and members close to the deceased would be led to the fellowship hall for a reception. The food was mainly supplied by members of WOFF. The youth or young adults would usually be called on the serve the food and take up the dishes. Certain groups would be assigned clean-up tasks. All assignments to help would be announced just before or during the practice for the memorial service. Each situation was different in deciding the place for the children. Some times, the children would gather in the school building for the service, watching on closed circuit monitors. (televisions) After the service, they would have their own refreshments in the school cafeteria. Since the fellowship time for the adults could extend a couple of hours, the children would be allowed to fellowship and play games.

  Continue reading Memorial Service Music Concerns “the Toddlers”

My Experience with Loud Prayer, Blasting and Deliverance-Part 3

     This is the third in a series of posts about my personal experience with loud prayer, blasting and deliverance. My first contact with this practice was in 1992, in Greenville, SC . This small, independent church was not formally organized or connected with WOFF. However, in practice this church was a sister-church and would in 2002, merge with WOFF. Leaders from Greenville would regularly attend WOFF in the late 80’s and early 90’s on through 2002. This laid the foundation for the merging of the two groups.

     “Loud prayer” is actually a term coined later in my time at the Greenville church and later WOFF. In the early days, it was called “blasting devils” or “deliverance”, “hitting devils in someone” or “hitting the heavens” or some other phrases. After the public scrutiny which came through several child custody cases at WOFF and the DSS lawsuit, then the use of certain terms faded and others became popular.

     Whatever the term used for whatever time period, the prayer was loud! Generally,  in the early days- louder was “better”. If the person was praying in a weak manner, then they would usually get help in the form of someone coming beside them and praying “with strength”. This was meant to help the person get a breakthrough to be able to pray with strength. Yes, behavior modeling in the most basic form. I know because during my time there, I was helped and some times helped others.

     “Blasting” prayer was a shrill sound emanating from pushing the diaphragm upwards and using the vocal chords to make the shrill sound as seen in the previously listed video. Using the upper throat could damage your vocal chords. Most every time, after a period of prayer folks would sound hoarse. Cough drops – many times Halls®, would be recommended and sometimes passed out to folks for relief.  This blasting prayer would be performed in small groups or with the entire church prayer for a certain purpose. Group prayer or prayer groups for individuals could last for two or more hours. You prayed until the person got a “breakthrough”.  This of course could cause much sweat and some level of exhaustion. Fans were placed in the Greenville church as the building was small and could get warm during prayer times.

Continue reading My Experience with Loud Prayer, Blasting and Deliverance-Part 3

My Experience with Loud Prayer, Blasting and Deliverance-Part 2

       First, for this post, some background to understand how I came to be a part of the Greenville church that became associated with WOFF.  Before moving to Greenville, my wife and I were a part of a church in Summerville, SC. While in that church, I had a problem saying “no”. When something needed to be done, many times I would volunteer. It was not a healthy situation. The pastor carried a heavy load and he appreciated the help when it came his way. However, my desire to help outran my maturity level. The pastor tried to correct the situation and I mistook his help as a personal attack. So, after leaving that church, I was in need of some guidance. I had been a part of four churches since 1983. Two of the four were ones  in which the leader/founder did not submit to oversight from an association or group of elders. Unfortunately, though this set-up brings with it issues; I did not see that as a danger, at that time.  

     The pastors of the Greenville church had contact with my wife in years prior to 1992.We visited the church and thus encountered loud prayer, blasting and deliverance.  After a few visits to Greenville, we moved to become a part of the church. This church was a small, independent church with no formal ties to WOFF. However, as we began to learn; that was in the process of changing.  The Greenville church had formed a growing alliance with Jane Whaley and WOFF. The leaders from Greenville had taken several trips to WOFF and begun to bring back the message taught by Jane Whaley at WOFF. The transition for me into this church occured during the first quarter of 1992. Prior to first visiting the church in Greenville, I did not know anything about Jane Whaley or Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF).

      The first experience with loud prayer was the second service at the Greenville church. The first service we were late and missed the prayer. Upon arriving at the second service, immediately the drums and loud noise could be heard in the parking lot. Shrugging off any questions, we went in and there encountered a prayer service like none other I had ever seen. Afterwards, I voiced my questions and was provided with answers about the prayer. As many years have passed since that time; I do not remember my exact questions, but a few scriptures provided during that time stuck with me.

But if I drive out the demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has [already] come upon you.” Luke 11:20 Amplified

“After the Lord has washed away the [moral] filth of the daughters of Zion [pride, vanity, haughtiness] and has purged the bloodstains of Jerusalem from the midst of it by the spirit and blast of judgment and by the spirit and blast of burning and sifting. “  Isaiah 4:4 Amplified

Hear, oh, hear the roar of His voice and the sound of rumbling that goes out of His mouth!   Job 37:2 Amplified

     Continue reading My Experience with Loud Prayer, Blasting and Deliverance-Part 2

My Experience with Loud Prayer, Blasting and Deliverance-Part 1

     This series of posts will be my personal experiences and reflections on my involvement with “loud prayer”, “blasting” and “deliverance”. These practices of loud prayer, blasting and deliverance are no doubt considered the signature  practices of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF).  This group has received more public scrutiny because of “loud prayer”, “blasting”  and “deliverance” than any other activity. Though a person could pray loud and receive deliverance if praying by themselves; most every time this activity involved other folks in small or large groups. My desire is not impugn or attack in anyway other members who participated alongside me in these activities and prayer meetings. I will not suppose to assess the sincerity or insincerity of others as I do share my personal reflections in a very sincere manner. WOFF members who read this or have it read to them, may no doubt at first feel shocked and maybe offended with the observations I will share. That is not my intent. I desire to answer the questions of many who have never been a part of loud prayer or deliverance by sharing my unique perspective. By holding back, keeping secrets or not sharing the details, I would do a disservice to my readers.

     The practice of hiding what went on in WOFF services or closed door meetings is the very thing that allows Jane Whaley to keep much of her power over members. The hiding of what went on at WOFF also furthers the deceptive facade that keeps the surrounding community ignorant and feeding on the pablum put out by Jane and her leadership.

     What is “loud prayer” or “blasting”? What is “deliverance”? How did it start at WOFF? Is it practiced other places? What scriptures are used as the basis for these practices- if any? Why would one submit themselves to these activities? Who would participate? How long were the meetings of prayer and deliverance? Did the children participate? These are some of the questions I will attempt to answer. Remember also, my perspective is one of attending meetings for 10 years from an hour away and then being inside the group for six years until July 2008. I do not practice loud prayer or deliverance now, nor do I know of any ex-WOFF members that do. One ex-member expressed his hesitation in telling others that he participated in this kind of prayer. It brought many questions he was not comfortable in answering. I welcome the questions. As I write these words, I also face the risk of further separating myself from some that I love dearly. To them, I ask for grace in hopes that one day understanding will come.

     A  fellow from Inside Edition® came into WOFF and taped some of the prayer meetings. Here is a link to watch what he filmed…  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPpbmDDRm8M  The prayer groups depicted in this video were actual folks in loud prayer or “blasting” sessions. I recognize many of them.  I will not comment on the young lady in the video, at this time. Needless to say this caused no smal stir at WOFF.

     Another video surfaced on YouTube.com® from years ago of Jane Whaley at a church in Sweden. This is from a time  in the late 80’s… Jane is talking about deliverance, groanings and “getting devils out of you”… Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mipon05dGks  

     In future posts in this series, I will explain more about the terms “blasting”, “deliverance” and “loud prayer”. Also, I will answer the questions listed above while sharing some of the reasonings presented and my personal account of what happened to me during these sessions. I will share my thoughts and the physical effects felt during these sessions. Before I finish, I will give observations made of others who were in these groups and the group behavior dynamics that appeared to be working during these sessions. My experience is no more special or unique than others who have been at WOFF. But, they are my experiences and I believe by sharing them, it will be a help to others.

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from present or former members.

     Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )

Here is a picture that hopefully will remind us all that we live in the best country in the world…

We should cherish our freedoms...
God Bless America!

More Don’ts for the WOFF “Don’t List”

    Earlier, I admitted that the list of “don’ts” for WOFF was not complete. In the interest of making the list as complete as possible, there are more to add. These “don’ts” are in no particular order. Also, let’s be reminded that the list itself is not the focus of these posts. The “Don’t” List is just an example of the far reaching control that Jane Whaley and other leadership at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC exercise over regular members. True, not all members adhere to the same number of these don’ts at any one time. But, over the years, ALL of these don’ts were advocated in one form or another. As a refresher, here is the original list of 145 :WOFF Don’t list 03 10 

     After I returned from a recent trip to the gym, I realized that going to the gym was a WOFF “don’t”. WOFF members do not frequent gyms. They were told that the “body building devil”can take you over. One fellow got up to explain how he took steroids and lost his hair. (if my memory serves me correctly..) Think about the “don’ts” that are at the gym. Worldly music, people in shorts and sleeveless tops, TV- to name a few. The trip to the gym would be “don’t” overload for a WOFF member.

     While on family getaways or day trips, who has not seen the machines that take pennies and imprints an image on them? Well, some young folks close to me enjoyed collecting those pennies very much. One service, one of the teachers and assistant principal of the school got up to make the new “don’t” known to all. “No more smashing pennies! You are destroying government property.”  I am not sure, but she may have been swatting gnats at the same time she was telling us this new don’t. Does this one make sense? Please, comment if you are a penny smasher.

     WOFF members in the know about lingo, did not use the word “luck”. We were told “luck” was from the word “Lucifer”. Well, that may not be so true.. see link http://tiny.cc/rEYc1  This explains the myth of saying that “luck” comes from Lucifer. Still, this has to stay on the don’t list, because WOFF members don’t say “luck”.

     On that note, WOFF members don’t say “bless you” after someone sneezes. The belief was that saying “bless you” was from an ancient custom that a sneeze expelled demons and you blessed the person before the demons could get back in to them. This belief was spoofed as untrue at WOFF. Read here for more information and options from other cultrues about what happens when a person sneezes. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sneeze ) Scroll down to “Traditional Responses to a Sneeze”. 

Continue reading More Don’ts for the WOFF “Don’t List”

Resource on the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints (LDS)

      In order to more fully understand the seriousness of the similarities between the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) and WOFF; then you need a look at the background of FDLS and learn about LDS or Mormonism. The book, “The God Makers” (copyright 1984) written by Dave Hunt and Ed Decker is a thoroughly researched resource that looks at the background writings and doctrines of the Joseph Smith and Mormonism. You can find the book on Amazon.com.

     The reviews on the back cover are glowing. Here is one” “The God Makers” is an accurate account of theology, goals, and secrets of Mormonism. It is told in a popular, readable style with an eye to evangelism and apologetics. The facts are all here: it is the most useful and informative volume, valuable for both pastors and laymen.” Those words from Dr. Walter Martin, author of Kingdom of Cults

     The table of contents includes these chapter titles: “The Mormon Challenge”, “The Pagan Connection” and “Up to Godhood”. The footnotes are ten pages of notes of very tiny print. This work is well researched to say the least.   

     The way this book has come back to my attention will be explained in a future post. The words of Warren Jeffs stirred a memory of this book and some insights about LDS, FLDS and WOFF. The insight will be explained and the conclusions hopefully will make clear some of the issues at WOFF.

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. I hope this is a help to them.

     Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )

Things Learned Since Leaving WOFF

     Recently, while in a conversation with a co-worker, I realized some things that I have learned since leaving WOFF. This will not be a complete list, as the learning is ongoing. This co-worker made mention that they were considering joining the Jehovah Witnesses (JW). The comment came after we talked about birthdays and the fact they did not celebrate theirs. I had asked them why, thinking maybe it was said in jest. But, they mentioned they had a relative in the JW group and he had approached them a couple of times with reading material. This person had visited the local Kingdom Hall – but was not 100% convinced. They  asked, “What do you think?” This person was very sincere.

     First, I mentioned William Coburn’s book “The Spanking Room” (copyright 2008),  and his fair treatment of the Jehovah Witness movement. Fair in that he recounted his views and observations as a  child trying to learn the doctrine and ways to survive in the Kingdom Hall.  (see link here… williamcoburn.com)  Mr. Coburn had doubts early, especially the more he read the Bible. His book is a good read; especially, the account of “Knocking on Doors” and the fear it brought in him.

    Next, after I realized that giving someone else’s testimony about the Jehovah Witnesses was not what this person had asked. They wanted to know my thoughts. So, I recounted some of the things I found out while at WOFF. When it came time to explain to anybody about the WOFF beliefs on not celebrating holidays, the first thing most folks would ask, “Are you a Jehovah Witness?” At first, it was cute or funny. A few times while in services at WOFF, others mentioned to Jane Whaley about getting the same question. Jane Whaley seemed to make light of the question. For the most part it was ignored.  

      I told this person I did not celebrate Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving or birthdays for years. That had become the order of things at WOFF.  For years, I spent very little time with family and other relatives. The co-worker asked, “Was the only way to get together with family a holiday?” That is when most folks are off work. Jane Whaley herself gave that reason for having her seminars during weeks around holidays. Skipping seminars to visit family was a general “no-no” at WOFF. What was missed by not gathering with family was the love and togetherness that comes during those shared family times. There are still many questions and struggles for me with the WOFF doctrine and prohibitions against holidays. But, for sure I now want to take advantage when I can, of family gathering times.

    From here, I could not recommend membership in the Jehovah Witnesses.  It would be WOFF with a twist. But, becoming a control freak and shouting to this person that they should not join the JW’s, would not serve them well. That much I did know! So, I shared something learned after my exit from WOFF. I looked at this person and told them that whatever church group they joined; they must be able to at times, to voice their dissent or have a way for their opinions to be heard. If there was no room for a dissenting voice, then that group is not for them. (or me!)  I said, “Don’t waste a chunk of your life in a group that you disagree with their beliefs or practices and have no way to change or at least be heard.”  This person had read some of my blog and could understand a little about where I was coming from. They knew I had made that mistake. We had to decide to pick-up the conversation another time.   

     Actually, being heard is not the only requirement. Is there a way to be heard AND affect changes? At WOFF, you may have a moment to voice your insight to Jane or you may not. It depended on the subject and how the change would affect the present power structure. As a member, there were times when questions were brought up in “family meetings” and the outcome was the same. What ever Jane Whaley wanted was the order of the day.

     Continue reading Things Learned Since Leaving WOFF