Category Archives: Behavior Control

How far will you go to protect “the will of God?”

In the previous post, I put forth the idea that faithful WOFF members keep the true inside dynamics secret from the outside family members. Secrets are also kept from co-workers and any acquaintances. This should be no surprise even for a group of that size. Today, I want to add two more concepts that will help explain why and how this could happen and how a WOFF member sees this as perfectly normal and “the will of God.”

Several months ago, I wrote on the difference between “brainwashing” and “mind control.” The post was titled- WOFF Members are NOT Brainwashed- Really? – found here . The supporting text for this was found in Steven Hassan’s book, “Combatting Cult Mind Control” (Copyright©1988, 1990- by Steven Hassan, Park Street Press, ISBN-0-89281-311-3). In short, the idea was that in a case of brainwashing, the controllers are thought of as adversarial or “… typically coercive. The person knows at the outset that he is in the hands of the enemy. … Abusive mistreatment, even torture, is usually involved.” (page 55)

“Mind control, also called “thought reform”, is more subtle and sophisticated. Its perpetrators are regarded as friends or peers, so the person is much less defensive. He unwittingly participates by cooperating with his controllers and giving them private information that he does not know will be used against him…. Mind control involves little to no overt physical abuse. Instead, hypnotic processes are combined with group dynamics to create a potent indoctrination effect. The individual is deceived and manipulated – not directly threatened – into making the prescribed choices. On the whole, he responds positively to what is done to him.” (emphasis added- page 56)
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Mind Control Forum Review – “This is what I want to see!”

Saturday, May 24th a forum was held at the Spindale House and the subjects included information about mind control and testimonies from Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) survivors. The lead up to the meeting was intense for many of those involved. Materials were put together, videos were reviewed, meetings were held and in the end the general consensus was that it was a success. Admittedly, there is no way to recap all of what was said since I do not have a recording. The pictures taken will be added here at a later date. My goal for this post is to just hit what few highlights I remember and to give enough for those who did not attend to get the flavor and direction of the meeting.

There were no decorations, but we placed information and candy in the seats for the guests. We had waters for the taking on a table to the side. There were three tables up front for the panel and the large screen television. The attendees filed in and in that group were two WOFF members, Greg and Rita Burgeson. Several other WOFF members were spotted circling through the parking area, some waving and blowing their horns. We were prepared for more WOFF members, but they only sent two inside.

We began the forum a little late after experiencing technical difficulties with the PowerPoint® we were given from another advocacy group. This was just “warfare”, right? We had a back-up plan and were able to use printouts of the presentation. Mr. Rape began the session in prayer encouraging all that it was possible to be deceived and we would learn how that could happen through the material revealed tonight. He delivered an encouraging prayer as well.

Continue reading Mind Control Forum Review – “This is what I want to see!”

WOFF Members are “… expected to expect…”

In review of the material which so accurately describes the environment of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), I have been rereading the work by Robert Jay Lifton- “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism- A Study of “Brainwashing” in China” (Copyright©1961 originally by W.W.Norton and Co., first published by the University of North Carolina Press in 1989- ISBN 0-8078-4253-2) From time to time over the last few years, I have been magnetized in reading the accounts of Lifton though he does not directly describe WOFF, he does not mention Jane Whaley by name. Yet he describes the dynamics inside that place in great detail. He does this by sharing his observations from his studies and “… analysis of the experience of fifteen Chinese citizens and twenty-five Westerners who underwent “brainwashing” by the Communist Chinese government.” (from the back cover)

Today, I was particularly interested in the section of his text in which he describes – “The Demand for Purity”. Without sharing the entire passage and numerous details, I will summarize and get right to the point of this post. He writes that in totalistic environments where thought reform is practiced, the daily world for its participants, or in this case its members, is “sharply divided into the pure and the impure, into the absolutely good and the absolutely evil. The good and the pure are of course those ideas feelings and actions which are consistent with the totalist ideology and policy; anything else is apt to be relegated to the bad and the impure.” (page 423)
Continue reading WOFF Members are “… expected to expect…”

Three WOFF Survivors Speak Out!

tears of pain
tears of pain

This has been another busy 48 hours on certain social media outlets. During this period three Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) survivors have put short versions of their plight inside the group. Each left at different times, but you will see certain commonalities in their stories. You may ask John, why would you repost here? The answer is simple. Not everyone is on Facebook® nor does everyone care to be socially connected in that way. In light of that, I have asked for and received permission to repost these short stories here. I have been in contact off and on with Morgan Sample for longer than any of them. She told me this part of her story when we first connected and yet, she did not feel comfortable to share it here on this blog or other social media outlets. Now, she has let others know what she had already told in private. Continue reading for the survivor stories…

Continue reading Three WOFF Survivors Speak Out!

She has no self awareness….

As with many posts written previously for this blog, I begin this one in the early morning hours. It has been a long work day, but the drive and need to write the thoughts from today lead me to yet again delay reasonable sleep time and explore the musings over a series of thoughts and observations from earlier on Wednesday. I won’t pretend to be able to completely cover the scope of the subject which is introduced here. My hopes are to write until some more answers come and hopefully spark some more interest and understanding in those who read this post.

Wednesday afternoon, a coworker and I were tactfully going over the observations she had about another one who works on the team. This following statement was not intended to be harmful; I felt as if the person who made it was trying to explain their difficulties with the other person in hopes of finding more patience in dealing with them. She said the person “has no self-awareness.” Honestly, I don’t interact with the person in question enough to be qualified to make such an observation. My hours are only part-time whereas the person talking worked with the young person in question much more than I. I simply listened and as with certain statements made to me or around me during the day, I registered them somewhere in my conscious or sub consciousness. This scenario landed in the consider later stack.

Continue reading She has no self awareness….

If He Stays… We Forfeit!

(revised 01/15/2014)Tuesday night, I took a call telling me about a series of events that happened Monday evening in Rutherford County. I had to ask the person to repeat the scenario and then call the person involved to get clarification. What follows is a paraphrase of what was told to me. Former Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) member and adopted grandson of Jane Whaley, Patrick Covington was at a basketball game in the Rutherford County. Word of Faith Fellowship was playing another local church. Patrick walked in and sat away from members of his former group. A few minutes later, Lt. Leon Godlock, who was affiliated with the team opposing WOFF, approached Patrick. He had been talking to Frank Webster and his crew just previous to this. He said I can’t require you to leave, but, I am asking you. Patrick asked why? Godlock said that the WOFF team has said they will forfeit if you stay and my team really wants to play.

So, picture this, grown men saying that they will take their toys and go home if Patrick Covington stays in the building. GROWN men who say they are Christian were laying down the law so to speak, that if one person, who many of them had seen grow up inside of WOFF and had “prayed” for him and “helped” him “take hold of Jesus” and “helped” him get many “breakthroughs”… were telling an off duty Lt. Leon Godlock for the Rutherford County Sheriff’s department to convey their demands to get Patrick to leave a public place. If he does not leave— why we just won’t play! Wah, wah, wah…

Continue reading If He Stays… We Forfeit!

Another Exit Drama – December 2013

Earlier this week, I received a call about a man who had left Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). After a couple of more phone calls, I agreed to meet him and hear his story. The following is not a comprehensive narrative but a short version of what would take several posts to cover. To no one’s surprise, EVERY survivor of WOFF has a unique and often heart wrenching story of emotional upheaval, confusion and heartache. This man’s story is no different-sorta.

The survivor’s name is Bryan Bullock. During his stay in a local prison, he had contact with other churches in the area. While inside, he had heard some negative things about WOFF over an incident with a Christmas tree. While WOFF members were visiting the prison for a time of ministry, an inmate plugged in the Christmas tree lights in the same room as the gathering. An unidentified WOFF member promptly unplugged the tree and said “We don’t celebrate Christmas.” That event stuck with Bryan, but who considers Christmas traditions in early spring?

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