Tag Archives: FLDS

Thank You, for the New WOFF Website

     While the reaction of others has run the gamut, I am thankful that Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) has put up a website. Most assuredly, Jane Whaley approved each picture and page and line of content. It is very doubtful that she had any hand in the actual development, but since her name and reputation were/are at stake, she was/is “involved” for sure.  The layout is extensive and the graphics – well done. Finally, the whole world can see a little into this very controversial group. As far as note worthy church groups; WOFF does not rank as one of the largest. I must say, while I was there for many years- it seemed very large. There was in years past, and there is now on the website, talk of needing to expand the facilities. While my memory is not perfect, I see only about a dozen new  (unknown to me) folks in the very extensive array of pictures. (Some pictures seem to have been taken a while back)  Would that necessitate a new sanctuary? Or does that mean the growth of the membership is not documented on the website?

     The school did expand its facilities during last year- but that was not an option. When I left in 2008, there were 34 children under five years of age. Last June 17th, I learned that some students were not yet finished their classes from the spring schedule. I asked, why? The answer was that for many students who helped build the school, they got behind in their assignments as several classes were suspended and they had to finish in the summer. Another person who was there during that time mentioned that much of the wiring was done by two particular students who “were being trained”. He did not say they were licensed. But, it was probably counted as class time for something. One of the teachers is pretty skilled at construction and could have been the “teacher”. That is the flexible nature of private eduction.

      Continue reading Thank You, for the New WOFF Website

“Stolen Innocence” by Elissa Wall- Review

     In previous posts, I have quoted often from this book. This book is 438 pages, beginning with the struggles of a child born into the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FDLS). The book has three main parts that cover the years of her life up until the end of the trial of Warren Jeffs. In Part 1, she outlines her childhood days living in a polygamous family and the struggles inherent with that structure. Her family grew to include eleven brothers and twelve sisters. At one time, there were three mothers in her house- married to the same man, her father.

     The insights into her childhood including her perspectives and thoughts about Warren Jeffs, were a key to the book’s value for me. She describes her interactions with Warren Jeffs and her eventual marriage to her first cousin- Allen Steed. She fought the arranged marriage vehemently. However, in FLDS, she would be forced to follow the word of the Prophet “Uncle Rulon”, as dictated through Warrren Jeffs.  Her story of anguish at the eventual marriage was heart wrenching. The ominous “authority” that Warren Jeffs secured over the members of FLDS smelled just like the same situation at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) involving Jane Whaley. This fact made reading this book and others about FLDS, so enlightening to me.

    After the illegal marriage ceremony held at the Hot Springs Motel in Caliente, Nevada; Elissa struggles intensified. She explains in the second part of the book her struggle just to survive. She spent many nights in her mom’s company in order to avoid contact with her husband. Later, she would spend nights in her truck and that would lead to an encounter with Lamont Barlowe. Their friendship would eventually lead to a legal marriage and two children.

     Continue reading “Stolen Innocence” by Elissa Wall- Review

Resources, Answers and Hope

     The sub-title of this blog is “Resources, Answers and Hope”. In this blog are resources including book references by some very qualified authors on the subject of cults and recovery from cults. There is also a list of links to other sites that can prove a benefit to those looking for good solid material on religious cult mind control. There is such a wide range of topics in this area, it is difficult to stay focused on what could be the biggest help for the readers.

     The writings of others helped me find many answers, once I was out of WOFF. No, you would not be allowed to read the books listed on the “Books, Resource” page of this blog, if you were still a member of WOFF. Few authors in this field, had knowledge of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and Jane Whaley. However, the characteristics found in other frequently documented religious cult mind control groups existed at WOFF. That was one of the more shocking revelations upon leaving WOFF. Until I was out, I had no idea how much control I was under and how much of my life had been altered while in the group. The growth of the control is so subtle, in many cases.  The strength and depth of the control becomes great a lot of times without the member realizing how many areas are under control of Jane Whaley and other leadership. After I left the reality of the freedom of choice returned. It felt strange at first.

    Talking with former members is a help also. Reading their testimonies on other sites helped confirm my observations of what happened while at WOFF. However, several ex-members just want to forget what happened to them at WOFF and bury it all. Since I still have relatives who are in WOFF, that has been very difficult for me to do. The path to freedom still requires me to look back and remember those who are still attending WOFF. As mentioned before, I believe you can reject the methods, reject the message and not reject the members.

    Continue reading Resources, Answers and Hope

WOFF Members Don’t Celebrate Easter

   As mentioned before, Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) members led by Jane Whaley, don’t celebrate Easter, Christmas or other holidays. While at WOFF, we were told about the background of the holidays. Easter was linked to certain pagan origins. (see link here.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter ) Therefore, it was not celebrated.  It remains hard for any truth-seeking Christian to justify with scriptures the Easter bunny, dying eggs, Easter baskets and other secular traditions. However, many Christians take the time before the celebration of Easter to remind themselves and others of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection of Jesus is no doubt a vital part of the fabric of faith for Christians. Also, this time is set aside for many folks to visit family.

     Many times, not celebrating holidays revealed the contrarian nature of Jane Whaley and WOFF members. There was a preached mandate and example set for members, to do something opposite of the accepted traditions in order to show – what? I am not sure. I practiced “opposites” to holidays and traditions for years at WOFF, for what reason or benefit? To make me as a WOFF member feel superior to those who practice certain holidays and traditions? To show that the “world” has no hold on a WOFF member? To show God how much I “loved” Him and deserved His “favor”?

    Ceretainly in this country, we would not want compulsory or mandatory celebration of any holiday- religious or secular. The right to choose your individual preference in religious matters is as much of a right in the country as the right to vote, choose your residence and place of employment. We enjoy many freedoms in this country that most folks take for granted.

      The reality of membership at WOFF is in order to continue with the members of WOFF; you are compelled to give up the individual freedom of choice that our Constitution makes very plain and clear. Members must do and not do a LONG list of things. The list is ever growing and changing. ( see link here..WOFF Don’t list 03 10  )   Many of which you are not told about at the time of joining. The “don’t list” is revealed on a situational basis, in many cases. (I know because very rarely did we “overload” a new member or one who showed interest in WOFF, with information that they would learn in due time…) When you needed to know, you were told.

      Continue reading WOFF Members Don’t Celebrate Easter

FLDS vs WOFF – Similarities-“The Pruning” – part 10

     Stephen Singular in his book, “When Men Become Gods”( copyright 2008) quotes Warren Jeffs from September 10, 2002. Warren Jeffs was leading the morning devotional at Jeffs Academy in Hildale just two days after his father’s passing. During this time, Warren Jeffs was making “the transition from church leader to direct conduit to God.”  The words from Warren Jeffs:

   “This is a wonderful occasion. … The rules of every priesthood school is the will of the Prophet, the will of God to us through him…

      We were sent to this earth to learn who God is and how to become like him. Prophets have been sent who, through obedience, became like God… Let it be written in every mind and heart the call of our Prophet. Keep sweeter and sweeter. Live in the increase of the holy spirit of God and smile. This is how our Prophet knows you love him and you are with him. … You cannot be like the world and be with our Prophet. You must come out of the world and clean up your minds and your lives…. There is a pruning going on. We want to be perfected and step up, not cast off. And the Lord is about to clean house…            

     I say this rejoicing in God and the Godhead and our Prophet and all the Prophets, for you will learn this year about them, that you may know how to become like God.  (page 69)

     Singular goes on in his book and outlines the religious political posturing that Warren Jeffs performed to take over the FLDS. It is all very revealing of the calculated and planned steps needed for Warren to become the undisputed leader. He was becoming “God” to those members.

     Upon the first time reading this quote, it struck me that Warren Jeffs was promising something that he could not deliver. He was promising that the members of FLDS would become “like God” if they would “come out of the world and clean up your minds and your lives”… Of course, he set the guidelines and rules for coming out of the world and cleaning up your minds and lives. He would determine what sin was in the lives of the members.  He warns of a “pruning” and “the Lord is about to clean house…”  In reality, he was positioning himself as “God” as he would be the conduit that members would receive the Word of the Lord! He was not trying to help others walk more holy, he was maneuvering himself to be the supreme head of FLDS. When he performed the pruning and pushed out others that may contest or contend for his coveted position, then he would say it was the Lord who was doing the pruning. He positioned himself to be the voice of God to the members of FLDS. (see link here- http://www.fldstruth.org/administration.php?index=9 His picture still portrays him as the Prophet, though he is in jail!)

Continue reading FLDS vs WOFF – Similarities-“The Pruning” – part 10

Welcome New Readers

     Welcome to new readers as well as returning readers. This post will provide some background to the author’s direction for this blog. It will also outline the features and how to retrieve previous posts.

     First, on the right hand side of the post you will notice the “About Author” page. This explains my background and how I came to begin this blog. After a total of 16 years being first in Greenville, SC, in a sister church; then 6 years of being a member ofWord of Faith Fellowship (WOFF); I left the group. The leaders were Jane and Sam Whaley. Jane runs the church. Jane Whaley grew up and still lives in Rutherford County, NC.

    These posts aim to be a fair account of my experience from the many services as well as the daily life in this strong religious mind control group. WOFF has about 400 members from many different countries and backgrounds. A small percentage actually are originally from Rutherford County. The group has been through many court battles over the years. Many of these cases have revolved around child custody cases.

     Several posts contain information about the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints(FLDS). Their former leader, Warren Jeffs has been jailed for charges stemming from performing underage marriages. We share information learned about the similarities of the control methods used in both FLDS and WOFF.

    As far as the layout of the blog, the right hand side of the page contains the most recent posts by title in descending date order. Next, there is a section listed for “Categories”. Here is where posts are grouped by subject with every post being listed as “Uncategorized”. Several posts may be listed in more than one category.

     Next is a listing showing dedicated page headers… The newest page is the “Faith Freedom Fund” page explaining that group and their purpose. Following this section, you will find the option to subscribe by email or RSS feed for updates sent to you when there are new posts. Please, read the Terms of Use page.

      Following down the page, there are Links to other sites that may be of interest. If you select a link and it needs updating, please, let us know. You may email the author from the “About the Author” page.

     The most recent comments made by readers are listed next. These are titled by the post where the comment was added. We do welcome genuine and sincere comments meant to help others or ask questions to help bring focus to the material in a post. Please, share with others what you find of interest in these posts. Thank you, for taking time to read and comment.

     To get started, here are links to four of our most popular posts.

    Handout for New WOFF Members   http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=888           

    The $50,000 Offering     http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=245 

    The Toilet Paper Revelation    http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=243

   FLDS vs WOFF- How People Who Leave Are Treated   http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=498 

 (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )  

Here is picture to help remind us that we live in a great country!

We should cherish our freedoms...
God Bless America!

Updates on FLDS and Other Groups

Late last year, October 2009, this headline was a first of many…

Raymond Jessop, First FLDS Polygamist to Stand Trial for Sexual Assault on Child Bride

From the article on the CBS News “48 Hours” website…

     Jessop, 38, the first of a dozen polygamist sect members charged with abuse of women, is set to stand trial Monday, 18 months after agents raided the group’s remote ranch and carted off more than 400 children in the largest child custody case in American history. See full article here..

March 20, 2010, this headline tells more of the story..

Jury Sentences FLDS man to 75 years in Prison

 From the Salt Lake Tribune:  A Texas jury has sentenced a polygamous sect member to 75 years in prison on one count of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl whom he spiritually married in 2006 while living at a ranch in Schleicher County.

The sentence for Merril Leroy Jessop, 35, is the stiffest yet handed out in the criminal trials of members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Under Texas law, Jessop has to serve half of his sentence before he is eligible for parole…. see full article here… http://www.sltrib.com/news/ci_14710442 

Update from Tony Alamo Case:

Seizure of Children at Alamo Compound Upheld

March 2, 2010 from “Courthouse News Service”.. (CN) – An Arkansas appeals court refused to restore custody to five members of the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries, who claimed their boys were unconstitutionally seized from the church’s compound amid allegations that the ministry abused children. 

see full article here.. http://www.courthousenews.com/2010/03/02/25174.htm


Video segments on YouTube.com that were originally aired on National Geographic. Documentary about Michael Trevasser and the cult- Strong City. 

See this link for part one – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri0MA5D36mQ 

NC Pastor Accused Of Child Molestation

Deputies: Crime Went On For Years     (posted March 19, 2010)

BREVARD, N.C. — The Transylvania County Sheriff’s Office said allegations of child molestation led to the arrest of a pastor.  Michael Waddell Miller, 49, of Pisgah Forest, N.C. is charged with two counts of statutory sex offense and three counts of indecent liberties with a child. (This story is posted just for regional interest)

      see full link here..http://www.wyff4.com/news/22888964/detail.html  

     Interesting photos here of Living Waters activities. http://cid-d90e76c0fdbeadac.profile.live.com/

    Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF.

     Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )