Updates on FLDS and Other Groups

Late last year, October 2009, this headline was a first of many…

Raymond Jessop, First FLDS Polygamist to Stand Trial for Sexual Assault on Child Bride

From the article on the CBS News “48 Hours” website…

     Jessop, 38, the first of a dozen polygamist sect members charged with abuse of women, is set to stand trial Monday, 18 months after agents raided the group’s remote ranch and carted off more than 400 children in the largest child custody case in American history. See full article here..

March 20, 2010, this headline tells more of the story..

Jury Sentences FLDS man to 75 years in Prison

 From the Salt Lake Tribune:  A Texas jury has sentenced a polygamous sect member to 75 years in prison on one count of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl whom he spiritually married in 2006 while living at a ranch in Schleicher County.

The sentence for Merril Leroy Jessop, 35, is the stiffest yet handed out in the criminal trials of members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Under Texas law, Jessop has to serve half of his sentence before he is eligible for parole…. see full article here… http://www.sltrib.com/news/ci_14710442 

Update from Tony Alamo Case:

Seizure of Children at Alamo Compound Upheld

March 2, 2010 from “Courthouse News Service”.. (CN) – An Arkansas appeals court refused to restore custody to five members of the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries, who claimed their boys were unconstitutionally seized from the church’s compound amid allegations that the ministry abused children. 

see full article here.. http://www.courthousenews.com/2010/03/02/25174.htm


Video segments on YouTube.com that were originally aired on National Geographic. Documentary about Michael Trevasser and the cult- Strong City. 

See this link for part one – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri0MA5D36mQ 

NC Pastor Accused Of Child Molestation

Deputies: Crime Went On For Years     (posted March 19, 2010)

BREVARD, N.C. — The Transylvania County Sheriff’s Office said allegations of child molestation led to the arrest of a pastor.  Michael Waddell Miller, 49, of Pisgah Forest, N.C. is charged with two counts of statutory sex offense and three counts of indecent liberties with a child. (This story is posted just for regional interest)

      see full link here..http://www.wyff4.com/news/22888964/detail.html  

     Interesting photos here of Living Waters activities. http://cid-d90e76c0fdbeadac.profile.live.com/

    Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF.

     Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) 

More Don’ts for the WOFF “Don’t List”

    Earlier, I admitted that the list of “don’ts” for WOFF was not complete. In the interest of making the list as complete as possible, there are more to add. These “don’ts” are in no particular order. Also, let’s be reminded that the list itself is not the focus of these posts. The “Don’t” List is just an example of the far reaching control that Jane Whaley and other leadership at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC exercise over regular members. True, not all members adhere to the same number of these don’ts at any one time. But, over the years, ALL of these don’ts were advocated in one form or another. As a refresher, here is the original list of 145 :WOFF Don’t list 03 10 

     After I returned from a recent trip to the gym, I realized that going to the gym was a WOFF “don’t”. WOFF members do not frequent gyms. They were told that the “body building devil”can take you over. One fellow got up to explain how he took steroids and lost his hair. (if my memory serves me correctly..) Think about the “don’ts” that are at the gym. Worldly music, people in shorts and sleeveless tops, TV- to name a few. The trip to the gym would be “don’t” overload for a WOFF member.

     While on family getaways or day trips, who has not seen the machines that take pennies and imprints an image on them? Well, some young folks close to me enjoyed collecting those pennies very much. One service, one of the teachers and assistant principal of the school got up to make the new “don’t” known to all. “No more smashing pennies! You are destroying government property.”  I am not sure, but she may have been swatting gnats at the same time she was telling us this new don’t. Does this one make sense? Please, comment if you are a penny smasher.

     WOFF members in the know about lingo, did not use the word “luck”. We were told “luck” was from the word “Lucifer”. Well, that may not be so true.. see link http://tiny.cc/rEYc1  This explains the myth of saying that “luck” comes from Lucifer. Still, this has to stay on the don’t list, because WOFF members don’t say “luck”.

     On that note, WOFF members don’t say “bless you” after someone sneezes. The belief was that saying “bless you” was from an ancient custom that a sneeze expelled demons and you blessed the person before the demons could get back in to them. This belief was spoofed as untrue at WOFF. Read here for more information and options from other cultrues about what happens when a person sneezes. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sneeze ) Scroll down to “Traditional Responses to a Sneeze”. 

Continue reading More Don’ts for the WOFF “Don’t List”

Resource on the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints (LDS)

      In order to more fully understand the seriousness of the similarities between the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) and WOFF; then you need a look at the background of FDLS and learn about LDS or Mormonism. The book, “The God Makers” (copyright 1984) written by Dave Hunt and Ed Decker is a thoroughly researched resource that looks at the background writings and doctrines of the Joseph Smith and Mormonism. You can find the book on Amazon.com.

     The reviews on the back cover are glowing. Here is one” “The God Makers” is an accurate account of theology, goals, and secrets of Mormonism. It is told in a popular, readable style with an eye to evangelism and apologetics. The facts are all here: it is the most useful and informative volume, valuable for both pastors and laymen.” Those words from Dr. Walter Martin, author of Kingdom of Cults

     The table of contents includes these chapter titles: “The Mormon Challenge”, “The Pagan Connection” and “Up to Godhood”. The footnotes are ten pages of notes of very tiny print. This work is well researched to say the least.   

     The way this book has come back to my attention will be explained in a future post. The words of Warren Jeffs stirred a memory of this book and some insights about LDS, FLDS and WOFF. The insight will be explained and the conclusions hopefully will make clear some of the issues at WOFF.

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. I hope this is a help to them.

     Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )

Things Learned Since Leaving WOFF

     Recently, while in a conversation with a co-worker, I realized some things that I have learned since leaving WOFF. This will not be a complete list, as the learning is ongoing. This co-worker made mention that they were considering joining the Jehovah Witnesses (JW). The comment came after we talked about birthdays and the fact they did not celebrate theirs. I had asked them why, thinking maybe it was said in jest. But, they mentioned they had a relative in the JW group and he had approached them a couple of times with reading material. This person had visited the local Kingdom Hall – but was not 100% convinced. They  asked, “What do you think?” This person was very sincere.

     First, I mentioned William Coburn’s book “The Spanking Room” (copyright 2008),  and his fair treatment of the Jehovah Witness movement. Fair in that he recounted his views and observations as a  child trying to learn the doctrine and ways to survive in the Kingdom Hall.  (see link here… williamcoburn.com)  Mr. Coburn had doubts early, especially the more he read the Bible. His book is a good read; especially, the account of “Knocking on Doors” and the fear it brought in him.

    Next, after I realized that giving someone else’s testimony about the Jehovah Witnesses was not what this person had asked. They wanted to know my thoughts. So, I recounted some of the things I found out while at WOFF. When it came time to explain to anybody about the WOFF beliefs on not celebrating holidays, the first thing most folks would ask, “Are you a Jehovah Witness?” At first, it was cute or funny. A few times while in services at WOFF, others mentioned to Jane Whaley about getting the same question. Jane Whaley seemed to make light of the question. For the most part it was ignored.  

      I told this person I did not celebrate Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving or birthdays for years. That had become the order of things at WOFF.  For years, I spent very little time with family and other relatives. The co-worker asked, “Was the only way to get together with family a holiday?” That is when most folks are off work. Jane Whaley herself gave that reason for having her seminars during weeks around holidays. Skipping seminars to visit family was a general “no-no” at WOFF. What was missed by not gathering with family was the love and togetherness that comes during those shared family times. There are still many questions and struggles for me with the WOFF doctrine and prohibitions against holidays. But, for sure I now want to take advantage when I can, of family gathering times.

    From here, I could not recommend membership in the Jehovah Witnesses.  It would be WOFF with a twist. But, becoming a control freak and shouting to this person that they should not join the JW’s, would not serve them well. That much I did know! So, I shared something learned after my exit from WOFF. I looked at this person and told them that whatever church group they joined; they must be able to at times, to voice their dissent or have a way for their opinions to be heard. If there was no room for a dissenting voice, then that group is not for them. (or me!)  I said, “Don’t waste a chunk of your life in a group that you disagree with their beliefs or practices and have no way to change or at least be heard.”  This person had read some of my blog and could understand a little about where I was coming from. They knew I had made that mistake. We had to decide to pick-up the conversation another time.   

     Actually, being heard is not the only requirement. Is there a way to be heard AND affect changes? At WOFF, you may have a moment to voice your insight to Jane or you may not. It depended on the subject and how the change would affect the present power structure. As a member, there were times when questions were brought up in “family meetings” and the outcome was the same. What ever Jane Whaley wanted was the order of the day.

     Continue reading Things Learned Since Leaving WOFF

How Do WOFF Members Know Who to Vote for?

   Elections are coming and will be upon us soon. After reading of the Information Control for WOFF members,  how would a WOFF member know how to vote? With no regular access to media, newspaper or Internet, there was information provided. Here was the way that information was delivered.  

     One designated member would view websites, call candidates and ask questions and maybe even attend political forums for the candidates in the local and state races.  Usually the service right before an election, this person would hold a voluntary meeting for those eligible to vote to go over all the information about the candidates. This meeting could last two or more hours. There was a lot of material to cover. Handouts and sample ballots would be provided. Several times, the Democrat candidates would be covered first and then the Republican candidates. During the reviews, it was obvious this person had conservative views and personally supported many of the Republican candidates.  If a candidate did not have a website or just had a page with not much information on their views, that was a negative in this person’s mind. There was a great deal of trust placed in this member to deliver the information to the members in a balanced fashion. This year could be different as this person is now publicly endorsing Ramona Hall a democrat, for Clerk of Court. The mixing of politics and religion often makes for strange bedfellows. Will this person keep that roll this year for this election cycle?

     In contrast to the present, this candidate information person also spent time campaigning for and working for Congressman Charles Taylor in years past. Several WOFF members would work the telephones for the Congressman before certain elections. Congressman Taylor visited WOFF at least twice that I remember. (it could have been more often..) The youth of WOFF sang at the prayer breakfast meetings that Congressman Taylor held in years past. I never attended as I was usually working, but I did hear all the details when the group would return to the church.

     WOFF in years past, would hold political forums. The early ones I did not attend. However, in more recent years, certain candidates for the local offices would be invited to speak. Some would take the opportunity. I remember one county councilman came to WOFF to explain local issues and that was very informative. Especially since reading the local newspaper was taboo.

     Some observations: last year I met and spent some time with a retired couple from Hendersonville. He was retired from a branch of the military service. He and his wife had spent several years working for Congressman Taylor. His admiraton for the Congressman was evident and deeply felt. When I mentioned I knew some other campaign workers, his interest perked up. When I called their names and asked him what he knew about WOFF? He immediately changed as he nor his wife then had much to say. The conversation lightened some when I assured these folks that I did not attend WOFF any longer. Still the subject was closed after a few brief comments in which they both acknowledged they knew the folks I spoke about. This conversation left some unanswered questions for sure. Select “More” to read about a conversation with an elected official.

  Continue reading How Do WOFF Members Know Who to Vote for?

Letter for College Admission was a “Test” for All

      During a service, not sure if a Wednesday or Sunday; people were gathered from the main sanctuary into the fellowship hall about 50 at a time and told to come in and sit down. Next, a letter written by one of the high school graduates for their college admission application was read to everyone. After the reading, the question was asked “If you think this letter was written by the Spirit of God, then stand up.” There was verbal pressure to react quickly. After the some folks stood, Jane asked a few from the “yes” and “no” groups to say why they gave their answer. After a couple of people explained their thoughts, Jane reviewed how the letter came ot her attention. She knew the letter was not of God. She read it to her leadership as a test and now to regular members as a test. She wanted to know who could “hear God” and see the worldy attitudes reflected in the letter. She was disappointed with the person who wrote the letter. This person had graduated from WOFF Christian school. It was a shock that this person would “still have the love of the world” in them. The letter writer was now “under the strong dealings of God.” This person may not even get to attend college with that still in their heart. “College could take them over!”  I am not sure if it was in this meeting or another one, but the letter writer did get up before the church to repent and thank Jane for “hitting her sin” and blah, blah, blah… (see post here about not teaching slaves to read… http://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=558  )

     We were all wrong in the group I was in. Even those who had answered “correctly” could not explain to Jane in exact enough terms to satisfy her requirement.  At least in the group I was in, many still had “the love of education and the world’s ways” in them. So, had Jane Whaley accomplished her purpose? Yes, according to Jane; NO ONE was able to “nail to the core” the deception in the author on the letter. She was the only one who could see the level of evil reflected in the letter. Remember, Jane was the final say on WHATEVER was sin. So, this test was yet another way to keep her top position. It only furthered the groveling insecure feelings in many members. How could one make it without Jane and her always crystal clear discernment of God and His ways?  

     This method of public humiliation was common at WOFF. I suspect it still is one of Jane’s favorites. Why? Because it was so common and it produced the results Jane desired. Many times, members could not hide in a group, but they were singled out and rebuked in a service. The rebuke was not always performed by Jane Whaley. She had leadership who had been “given authority” to correct others. So, how comforting was/is this?

    The person who wrote the letter is now one of the “home grown” lawyers attending the church. Since Jane allowed this person to attend college and then law school, things must have changed in the person, right?

      In “Combatting Cult Mind Control” (copyright 1990) , by Steven Hassan- he explains why he left the Moonies: “I left when I realized that deception and mind control can never be a part of any legitimate spiritual movement: that through their use, the group had created a virtual “Hell on Earth”,a kingdom of slaves. Once I was able to realize that even though I wanted to believe it was true (Moon was Messiah, Divine Principle as Truth) my belief did not make it true, I saw that even if I remained in the group for another fifty years, the fantasy I was sacrificing myself for would never come true.” (page 167)

     Let’s apply Steven Hassan’s understanding to WOFF.  Members of WOFF sacrifice their money, time and years of service/allegiance to Jane Whaley- her edicts, rules and “don’t” therapy. For what? Jane’s clothes? Jane’s jewelry? Jane’s dogs? Jane’s shopping trips to Atlanta or Charlotte or Jane’s renovation of her house on 40 + acres? No matter how many years that “faithful” members of  WOFF believe that they will one day “fulfill the Call of God” and be sent out to the nations, – No matter how many “don’ts” members successfully avoid, No matter how many public rebukes members take from Jane; those personal sacrifices and “spiritual carrots” don’t justify the deception and mind control that is present at WOFF.  Just believing that one day things will be better or perfect in your life at WOFF, does not make it true. Just believing that one day things will change at WOFF, does not make it true. Regular members of WOFF have no voice in making the necessary changes. WOFF is not a democracy. (There may be votes for fellowship dinner choices.. but, really?) Jane Whaley rules as a dictator all the while saying she is “hearing God” and saying she is “not your Savior”. Think about what Jane Whaley practices on a day to day basis to determine real priorites and purposes.  

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. I hope this is a help to them.

     Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )

A Dream About a WOFF Member

     Recently, I had a dream about a leader of WOFF. Why even mention it? Though it was “only a dream”, it helped answer some questions for me. So, I will share it. Others may be helped.
     The person in the dream was doubting his course. I felt compassion for him and was encouraging him. He was reflective, not telling me how to think or act or “chewing me like a dog on a bone”. He was not rushing back to the church to find his next Jane Whaley assigned task. We rode in his pick-up truck through a corn field. We pulled over and as I was talking,  he just sat looking dejected.  I was letting him know that by my leaving WOFF, I rejected the message and method he had come to cherish.  As mentioned in a previous post; it is possible to reject the methods, the message and not the members of a religious group.
      I knew a little of his personal background. He had moved on from the message of his father’s holiness church in which he grew up. Next he attended a Southern Baptist Church. He had moved on from there.  He moved on from being a support minster for another traveling minister. Eventually, he founded his own ministry. Many of the beginning teachings were reflective of the original “Word of Faith” message of Kenneth Hagin.  He attended conferences for that group at the same time as Jane and Sam. Later, he reconnected with Jane and Sam Whaley (mid 1980’s) with their message of deliverance. This man had moved “forward in God” several times that I was aware of. His journey was not unlike many other WOFF members. Many had come to WOFF through spirtual steps on a journey.  Could he be considering he next move? Was there a struggle raging inside of him? Having gone through the struggle that he may be walking through, it only made sense I would be there to encourage him, in the dream. Much of his journey I learned from his preaching. So, in this dream, it seemed he was facing another decision point to stay or “move forward” again in God.
     Before my departure from WOFF, the long deliverance sessions of loud prayer were not as frequent as in years past. So, besides the long list of “don’ts”- what is the message of WOFF? In wedding programs, they publish “What We Believe”. In that program they give their beliefs with supporting scripture references. Without pretending to remember them all, I will give a partial list. WOFF believes in Jesus as the Son of God and the Way to Salvation, the Trinity, The Gifts of the Spirit, Laying on of Hands, Raising of Hands, Singing Praises from Scripture, Holy Communion, Intercessory Prayer, Baptism for Believers.. I am not sure if this next one is listed, but it are practiced- Foot-washing. Again, I don’t pretend that this list is complete. But, it gives a general idea where WOFF stands doctrinally.
     As with any church that may or may not have similar doctrinal beliefs, the most vital assessment of a group lies in what they practice as a result of their beliefs and interpretation of Scripture. Another church may have similar doctrinal positions, but they could celebrate Christmas and Easter as well as allow their members freedom to make decisions on their own. So, in looking at what sets WOFF apart from other churches, it is obvious there are many more rules (don’ts) with WOFF than other churches with similar doctrines. ( I know, I have been in several before WOFF.) The “Freedom in Christ” mentioned in scriptures for the New Testament believer does not exist at WOFF. In light of this, why defend or continue this set of heavily enforced rules and don’ts? This method of controlling others is doomed for failure. When you cut off by hell-threatening edicts a member’s personal choices and attempt to program their total environment; that attempt stifles a basic human component- the need for Freedom of Choice! We, as humans -ESPECIALLY in this country- are guaranteed choices! Remember? Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!